
Clean, efficient, abundant.

Natural Gas for Transportation

Natural Gas is a smart, low-emission alternative to gasoline and diesel— and it delivers similar horsepower ratings. Premium gasoline is 91 octane, while natural gas has an octane rating of approximately 130. This higher octane allows for the increased engine compression and combustion efficiency of CNG.

Oil-based fuels have price volatility, supply disruptions, and ever increasing regulatory burdens. Oil is immersed in controversy and politics, and increasing population and industrialization create significant challenges for oil based energy, including:

  • Increasing demand
  • Rising air pollution
  • Increasing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Geopolitical unrest

Natural gas is abundant, cost-effective, and clean. Many transit, refuse and transportation fleets, including class 7 and 8 tractors, have already switched some or all of their vehicles to Compressed Natural Gas. And the number will only continue to grow.

Octane ratings





Higher octane allows for the increased engine compression and combustion efficiency of CNG.



There are solid economic reasons to consider converting some or all of your fleet to CNG, including availability, cost at the pump, and incentives. We help guide you through the process.

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CNG is the cleanest burning fossil fuel with 22% less greenhouse gas emissions than diesel and 50% less than coal. Government agencies and environmentally conscious companies are going green with CNG.

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There are 338 trillion cubic feet of proven reserves of natural gas in the USA alone. And natural gas is less controversial and therefore less political than oil. That means fewer price spikes, fewer supply disruptions and historically lower prices at the pump.

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Regulations and Incentives

Regulations and Incentives

The Federal Government is committed to helping build the CNG industry, but regulations and incentives vary from state to state. If you’re thinking of converting some or all of your fleet, we give you the resources to help you make an informed decision.

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There are millions of miles of pipelines transporting natural gas around the country and the infrastructure continues to expand. There are more than 15 million CNG vehicles on the road worldwide and the number keeps growing. CNG is here to stay.

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